Genesis Baptist
vacation bible school
The Enrichment for Christian Living Circle includes Sunday School, Bible Study, Sunday School 2000+, New Members Training, Black History, Vacation Bible School, Discipleship and Leadership Training.
We have a wonderful spirit filled team who provide leadership to the ministries listed above. When I think about the common thread that encircles these ministries and its central focus, the word edification comes to the mind. In Romans 14:19 Paul notes that we should follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. The word edify literally means to ‘build up’ as in a house and then to adorn it and give it every advantage possible to survive. When this is applied to the church, it means, to do build up by teaching, counseling, advising, etc., in other words doing things which will promote helping and aiding all of us to grow as Christians. When we study God’s Word through bible study, teaching, training, and orientation, we are better able to understand the mindset of the true and living God we will reside with eternally. Even our Black History moments are design to remind some and teach others how God has kept us as a people through incredible odds and how far He has enable us to come. We are also strengthening our spiritual resolve just as vitamins and exercise help strengthen us physically so we can better endure the ‘beat downs’ of the world and the wiles of the enemy.
In this way, the idea of a building up is retained because we are reared on a firm tried and true chief corner-stone, the Lord Jesus Christ and can be ‘built’ as one great temple erected for the glory of God. This further unites us on a common objective for the service of our Lord where each is of us is properly equipped and to do all that is possible to perform our role in perfecting and adorning this temple of God. In a temple where all the building up is fitly framed together, it truly becomes a holy sanctuary in the Lord.