Genesis Baptist Church
Empowering Generations for the 21st Century
The purpose of the Genesis Baptist Church Youth Ministry is to expose our children to a 21st century faith, while building a inter generational ministry. To develop a ministry that serves our children and parents within the church and beyond church walls.
Our Youth Ministry is designed to meet children, youth, and young adults where they are in their Christian walk and develop lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. At Genesis, we currently have a total of 30 active students participating in our Youth Ministry. The ages include:
Children: 5 to 11 years old
Youth: 12 – 18 years old
Children’s Church
Children's Church is open on the second and third Sundays during our 10 am worship service. Children between the ages of 3 -8 years old are encouraged to attend. Participants learn biblical principles through an age specific curriculum. A light snack is provided. Space is available on a first come basis. Parents or guardians are responsible for signing their children in and out of Children's Church.
Youth Church
Youth Church is held on every second and third Sundays during our 10 am in the youth sanctuary on the third floor. The youth experience God's word on a level they can understand through role-playing, discussions, music, games, sermons, and interactive activities. This service is for youth ages 9 years and older.
Youth Sunday
Our children, youth, and young adults provide leadership during the 10 am worship service in the main sanctuary on the fourth Sunday of each month.
New Children and Youth Members
Discipleship Classes are provided for children and youth once they express a desire to give their lives to Christ and join our church. The four discipleship classes are as follows:
The classes are held immediately following the early morning worship service on the second, third, fourth, and fifth Sundays. Upon completing the classes, new members are scheduled to be baptized and/or receive the right hand of fellowship on the first Sunday of the month.
Youth Discipleship Class - Teach new members about prayer, salvation, baptism, and communion and other fundamental Christian principles.
Education and Scholarship - Coordinate workshops and activities to help high school students prepare for graduation. Distribute and process the GBC scholarship application.
God Squad Mime Ministry - Use mime as a form of praise and worship.
Youth Choir (Worship Circle) - Includes youth and children of all ages. They sing on the 4th Sunday and accompany the Youth Pastor at special events.
Youth Ushers (Worship Circle)-Usher during the fourth Sunday church service at 10:00am and at other church events as needed.
Village Council - Parents, youth workers, youth leader, ministry leaders, and those who have vested interest in the children and youth of GBC. This group helps the youth with Children’s and Youth Ministry and strategy implementation.
Children’s and Youth Council -Assist the Youth Pastor and the Village Council in enriching the spiritual experiences of the children and youth of Genesis Baptist Church and abroad. The council will also assist in the planning and implementation of events and activities that advance the mission of Genesis and cultivate, build, and encourage authentic personal relationships with Jesus Christ.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have numerous adult leaders and volunteers who support and work with our Youth Pastor. They work closely with our Youth Pastor to review curriculum and plan activities. If you are interested in volunteering with our Children’s and Youth Ministry, please contact us at 336-379-1133 or by email at
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.
Join Us for youth sunday
4th Sundays@ 10:00 am